In the book Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray, he says "Babyhood at the proper time is the most beautiful thing in the world, but babyhood that continues beyond the first few months is a burden and a sorrow, a sign of disease or disorder".
This parallels with christians in that when a believer first comes to Christ, it is an awesome thing! The believer usually just soaks in God's Word to learn more knowledge about it. This is great for the new believer, but after the first few months it is time for a change. Our role transitions from being discipled to being an apostle.
Matthew 28:19-20- Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
The Bible doesn't suggest that we make disciples. God commands us to! It is what we are made to do. When we share Jesus with others, our joy is made complete.
1 John 1:3-4- what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also so that you may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ. These things we write so that our joy may be made complete.
"You have to do things you don't want to do to acheive thing you want to achieve."
Discipling believer who do not know as much as you may not sound very fun, but when we obey God, he blesses us. When we read the Bible, listen to a sermon, or read a book so that we can reproduce it in someone else, God will bless our efforts. The more God reveals to us, the more responsibility we have to share what He has revealed to us. Once we are faithful in the little things that He reveals to us, he will show us bigger and better things to share. Discipling others not only helps the person we disciple, but it also helps ourselves because God will reveal more to us.

As you can see in this picture, the Jordan River flows into the Dead Sea. The Jordan River contantly has water pouring into it, and it flow into the Dead Sea. It is being renewed and doing its job. The Dead Sea is being poured into by the Jordan River, but it doesn't pour into anything else. This affects the water tremendously. The Dead Sea is too salty and has too many chemicals in it for any fish to live. The new water just evaporates and the chemicals sit at the bottom, unmoved. Likewise, many Christians get poured into their whole christian life and never share what they learn. When they learn something new, it just evaporates instead of flowing through them. They are stuck with chemicals at their core. So ask yourself this week "Am I a Jordan River or a Dead Sea?"
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